Monday 31 October 2016

School Management Isn’t That Complex When it’s Shiksha

This is the age of technology, where it has overtaken almost all aspects of our life. Be it entertainment, accommodation, fooding or even education. All sectors that we use and exists around us are in some way or the other connected to technology. Starting from the way we order food to the way we manage our business stocks, everything is digitalized who’s importance can be clearly see through the Digital India campaign run by our hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr.Narendra Modi. This dominance of technology in the education sector has had a much rapid pace and this has had a tremendous effect in the way education sector is managed these days.         

Like all other major sectors, technology is also used extensively for managing the education sector. This sector is something that encompases a number of units like student admission, their attendance, library management, conveyance management, teacher and other resources management. This is a laborious task if done manually and of course takes a lot of time. This is the case where education management software comes into the scene. This leads to less investment on resources to manage these aspects of this sector and thus it can be done much more easily and accurately. In today’s information age, it cannot be afforded to manage all the aspects of a sector like education. The Shiksha school management software is such a masterpiece software that can let anyone easily manage all the complex stuff like student admission, libraries and all other aspects of school management. It has got robust modules like attendance management, that takes care of stuff like student registration, the module provides an interface to keep a record of student attendance and keep a track on it regularly. The student fees management system allows the end users to customise the fee structure without having to toggle much with the application. The application provides a well laid interface to add and remove fees particulars too easily, so it doesn’t require much technical knowledge to go about customising that. Another important module that the SMS school management software has is the conveyance or the transport module. This helps in managing and monitoring the school buses, their routes, their drivers and also expenses. This is a vital part of school management as it is a channel where revenue flows in and out and a bit of mismanagement here can cause loses to the educational organization.
Apart from these golden modules that makes school management way easier than it is when done manually, the school management system also has modules like holiday calendar, hostel management, mass mailing, certificate generation as well reports management. These features lets you manage any school system like a freak regardless of the complexity of it’s rules or student strength of a school.